July 6th - Sequim to Joyce

Today was a mid 40 mile ride from Sequim in the northeast corner of the peninsula, to Joyce right about on the top of the Peninsula. On the way I passed through Port Angeles. The first 25 miles of the day was on something called the Olympic Discovery Trail. It is a bike and walking path extending from Sequim to Port Angeles. I took many pictures and a couple videos on this part of the ride. I passed farms, ports, abandoned automobiles form the fifties, deer, cows, snakes. I passed over rivers on old bridges and new bridges and wide and narrow and curvy bridges.

I spent so long on the trail that by the time I hit Port Angeles I was going to be pressed to make it to Joyce by dark. If I had just forged ahead it would have been fine, but I could smell good food and I was mean hungry. I considered eating like a king but decided to eat like a kid and asked a group of teenagers who made the best burgers in town. This sparked a debate amongst them, I had to stipulate that fast food was not an option and this quieted several of them. Finally one of them approached me in an almost pleading way and directed me to the place across the street. Anyone with that kind of sincerity about their burgers should be heeded. He did not disappoint, I had a huge mushroom swiss burger with fries and a big glass of water.

I still had close to twenty miles to go and I cursed the burger throughout the first six. But I caught a second wind and made it to Joyce and the Salt Creek Recreation Area and Campground by 8 pm. Dad was already there and had us all set up. He has been great. He did a five mile hike this morning and I’m glad because originally we had planned on hiking to some hot springs and we never could have done it with me poking about Eden all day long.

Lots of deer at our campsite and we are on a rocky cliff overlooking the water. I will take a picture in the morning and post it. Not even sure where I’m headed tomorrow because I got in so late tonight. Its 10:15 so I’m going to sleep. I have more stories though…I ran into this retired gentleman who told me four times “I admire you in a way, I’d love to do what you’re doing but I don’t have the time…well I have the time because I’m retired but I just don’t do it.” Four times he said this, the fourth time I replied that I don’t have the time either but I did it anyways and he laughed and so did I.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are outstanding. I always enjoyed riding trains because it gave me the opportunity to really take in and enjoy the lush surroundings... But now my thoughts differ, I believe you have found the true secret to seeing the world.

    I love the picture of the water, it reminds me a Chelan,WA. I also like the old car, made me feel like I was in one of those TV shows where they're looking for old antiques.
