July 9th - Hoh River to Kalaloch

Today was a great day. I woke at 5:30 and did some trip planning. If all goes according to plan – though I’m no fan of everything going according to plan. I’ll be back in Bremerton in a couple of days and we can begin doing some more day and maybe over night hikes.

Dad got up at 7:00 which is a bit of a role reversal for us as he is usually waking me up around 8:00am. I showed him the itinerary for the next fees days and this seemed to be a relief to him. There is potentially rain on the way and I think he is glad the mandatory camping will be done before it hits.

So after a breakfast of bananas, fruit cup and granola bars I started a ride to the Hoh Rainforest in Olympia National Park. The Hoh river is beautiful and I stopped for plenty of pictures along the way. I’ll post them as soon as I get time and an Internet connection. Dad also got some amazing pics with his new panoramic camera. You can tell he’s still getting used to it because of the profanities he let’s fly when he can’t get it to do what he wants it do. But he’s got a good eye.

We met at the visitors center and did a 6 mile round trip hike down the Hoh River to a small water fall. I was impressed with Dad’s pace, I hope he is interested in doing some more hiking next week. I went for a little run on the way back and tripped about half a mile away from the visitor center. Must have been tired because I am usually extremely graceful.

Next was a forty mile ride to our next campsite. Kalaloch. It is on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I got in at 8:45, its 9:15 and the sun has yet to set. Pops is cooking sausages. All is well and good, but he might have to fight to get me to leave tomorrow. I’ve got an 85 mile ride planned.

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