July 5th - Mike's to Sequim

I Left Mike and Shannon’s around 6:45 this morning to catch the 7:30 shuttle to Bremerton. Shannon left me lots of breakfast goodies for the road! My plan was to meet a friend I’d made on the ferry the day before. And after a strenuous 45 minutes of hills that ought to be called cliffs I met up with him.

Daniel has been on the road since August. He started out in Chicago and rode to San Diego and from San Diego he is making his way up to Canada. From there he is not sure what his plans are. We talked through some ideas he has including riding back down to LA to catch his nephews wedding in August. I felt privileged to give input on such a grand adventure.

We rode together for about 35 miles and parted ways after crossing the Hood River Canal Bridge. He went north east up to Port Townsend and I travelled northwest towards Sequim. I enjoyed Daniels’s company, a great partner for my first full day of riding.

Next I pushed through a long, hilly slog north west along route 104. I loved most of it, my legs felt great, the bike felt great and no flat tires. My father passed me at the junction of 104 and 101. He said that after seeing the hills I’d climbed he started looking for my body on the side of the road. It’s good impress your parents. He had a leftover sandwich in the car and I ate it without asking. I reflected on this and took it as a sign that I was a well taken care of child, I also concluded that its probably time to grow up and return the favor.

At the end of the day I clocked 65 or so miles. Feel good enough to be writing at 11:30 pm and looking forward to a short forty tomorrow and then a hike to some hot springs. Ron, thank you again for the tent it is a fine living space!

1 comment:

  1. B-Harms, your sandwich stealing reminds me of your office etiquette. At least you can admit that you are aware of your sticky fingers.

    How the heck does Daniel afford to live when he is biking all of the time? Does he have a job or did he save up and make this his life?
