Kalaloch to Kalaloch - July 10th

Rest day at Kalaloch campground. I put off the long ride until tomorrow and Dad and I did some car exploring to day. We hit several amazing beaches and saw a gigantic cedar tree. I will post pictures of all these things as soon as possible. Today I also met Christophe. Christophe, rode his bike here from France, but went through Russia to avoid the Atlantic! He’s been on his bike for two years. He was rolling a cigarette when I happened upon him. He used to use a trailer but it broke and he has the trailer bag bungeed to the back of his bike. Quite a sight, I’ve got pictures of that too. He has a blog, christophe.kernunos.org/blog. I haven’t gotten a chance to check it out yet because internet access is non existent.

I got a picture of his bike but no picture of us together, I was traveling via automobile when I saw him and felt a little sheepish asking him for a fellow biker photo. Oh, he might stop by the house for a few days when he hits San Diego. Northwest coast is spectacular, beaches formed by sand collecting over the hulking trunks of fallen trees. Huge trees torn from river banks when the rains come and the rivers are high and fast. Scales of size and strength and time that are hard to imagine. Drift wood everywhere what a beautiful mess. 86 miles to ride tomorrow, also a little difficult to imagine.

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